Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Muscles Not Motors

We were up in Hanover, NH when I first saw this phrase. In usual fashion I picked up the local Competitor Magazine or free race pamphlet outside the EMS. As I flipped through I found this gear review ad:

This caught my eye mainly because it reminded me of a friend that is a pretty hardcore motorcycle rider. When he badgers me about riding my bike my response is usually something along the lines of, “Why ride a motorcycle when you could pedal a bike?” Now we’ve socialized the ‘Muscles Not Motors’ phrase and its starting to mean a lot more to both of us, so I proceeded to Google search on the topic to see what returned. I found this interesting Blog:

Muscles not Motors is the motto for
Onion River Sports (in Montpelier, VT). It's a lifestyle statement. We think the formula is;
Healthy = get outdoors + self-propelled movement... that's it.
To you, it can mean whatever you want, just make sure you get some fresh air doing it.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Paris Mountain

Paris Mountain State Park, located in South Carolina just 4 miles from Greenville, is a place that any off-road athlete should visit.  The park is small, but conducive to all the attributes of challenging training grounds, including steady road climbing, undulating and technical trail terrain (extremely well-marked), and a top-side lake that’s crystal clear.  This place is beautiful and home to many off-road and downhill events.