Thursday, April 22, 2010

Colorado Leadville Trail 100

"Make Friends with pain, and you will never be alone."

-Ken Chlouber
(Colorado miner and creater of the Leadville Trail 100)

From "Born to Run," by Christopher McDougall

Chris goes on to say,
"To get a sense of what he Ken Chlouber came up with, try running the Boston Marathon two times in a row with a sock stuffed in your mouth and then hike to the top of Pikes Peak.
Great. Now do it all again, this time with your eyes closed. That's pretty much what the Leadville Trail 100 boils down to: nearly four full marathons, half of them in the dark, with twin twenty-six-hundred-foot climbs smack in the middle."


1 comment:

  1. Holy crap! Great quote. I have been to Leadville a few times and it is a challenge to run to my truck sometimes because of the elevation - 10,500 I think?
